Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Intangible cultural heritage or “living heritage” refers to the practices, expressions, knowledge or techniques transmitted by communities from generation to generation, it provides communities with a feeling of identity and continuity: it favors creativity and social welfare, it contributes to the management of the natural and social environment and generates economic income. UNESCO provides its support in this field to the Member States by promoting international cooperation for safeguarding and establishing institutional and professional frameworks favorable to the sustainable preservation of this living heritage. To date, Peru has 11 manifestations inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity: The textile art of Taquile (2008), The oral heritage and cultural manifestations of the Zápara people (2008), Safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of the Aymara communities in Bolivia, Chile and Peru (2009), Danza de las Tijeras (2010), La huaconada, ritual dance of Mito (2010), The pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i (2011), Eshuva, prayers sung by the Harakmbut people (2011), Knowledge, techniques and rituals linked to the annual renovation of the Q’eswachaka bridge (2013), The festival of the Virgen de la Candelaria in Puno (2014), The wititi dance of the Colca valley ( 2015), Traditional System of Water Judges of Corongo (2017), El ‘Hatajo de Negritos’ and ‘Las Pallitas’, dances from the south of the central coast of Peru (2019).

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Jr. Ucayali 391, Lima, Perú
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Tuesday to Friday
10 am to 8 pm
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10 am to 6 pm
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